Showing all 4 results
Keeps Foutain Water Clean & Clear Specially Formulated for Smaller Fountains This product uses two unique, proprietary technologies to prevent organic contaminants from forming (ie: crusty white scale deposits, iron, copper, hard water stains): one technology helps prevent the buildup of stains and mineral deposits on the birdbath or fountain surface; the second uses bio-enzymatic activity to keep water clear…
32 oz. MICROBE-LIFT SBSC Soy-Based Statuary Cleaner
Soy-Based Birdhouse & Birdfeeder Cleaner Cleans All Plastic, Vinyl, Wood, Fiberglass & Metal Birdhouses & Resin/Poly Birdfeeder Surfaces A natural soy-based cleaner that combine the power & versatility of the soybean to create powerful yet safe, renewable alternatives to petroleum-based products. A proprietary formulation of soy-based chemistry that safely cleans surfaces of organic debris, mineral deposits and bird droppings Not…